
Is your customer a company or an individual?

Although Enspyre is a company that focuses on B2B Telemarketing, we sometimes also service B2C companies by tapping into companies and their employees as an effective channel to reach groups of people.


New Channels

When Enspyre assists companies like fitness centers and restaurateurs, the geographic area is a very important consideration. When developing business we need to consider how far potential customers will travel to them by walking, driving, subway or bus. Enspyre can then target companies within the correct area. For the right products or services, this is an affordable and effective way to gain new customers.

Save On Shipping

When consumers purchase online, shipping costs are often an important consideration. By going after group orders from colleagues there are big shipping savings. How can an office worker not be attracted?

Group Purchases

Many different kinds of products are suitable for Group Purchases. Enspyre has served clients such as fitness centers, restaurants, food and beauty products. Fitness center can provide free office exercise courses for employees, food companies can offer free tasting events, and the beauty business perhaps provide free trials. The key is to offer the company the chance to offer their employees something fun and free. A win-win-win strategy:

  • Vendors Find New Customers
  • HR has found a variety of free experiences for employees
  • Employees enjoy free products and services

Enspyre seldom make calls to consumers. But we can still help companies reach consumers by calling to corporate employee benefit managers:

Fitness Centers

Call companies within your geographic area near your gym to introduce the facilities and activities. Partner with the companies to offer group rates as an employee benefit or sign up employee as individual members for their own health.

Food Tasting

Do you want to bring in more orders through tasting events? Enspyre can help you find new customers via the companies close to you. You can visit companies during their lunch break to reach their employees to secure group purchases and business orders for events.

Group Buying

Some products are perfect suitable for group buying due to high shipping costs and the delight of enjoying it as a group. If you offer volume discounts you have a great opportunity to sign group orders via the employee groups we can help you reach. With proper follow-up, this can lead to many new repeat buyers.

Beauty Products

Beauty products are always a well-discussed topic. There are always new products coming out and discussed in media. Company benefit managers can organize opportunities for their colleagues to test your products to encourage information sharing.