Atencio iPAX DICOM Camera Solution

DICOM Solution Startup Atencio Happy with Phone Answering

Atencio iPAX DICOM Camera Solution

中文版 Atencio is startup company providing medical care organizations around the world with Clinical Workflow Efficiency Solutions.

Their iPAX DICOM Camera Solution for Android and iOS helps improve clinical efficiency by allowing the clinicians to easily take images of the patient’s case and have them automatically stored in the hospital network.

This helps greatly to reduce the clinician’s administration work and allows them more time with the patient safe in the knowledge that their patients treatments have been documented and securely stored on the hospital systems.

Once uploaded, a clinician can review at their leisure and review with their medical colleagues.

Atencio is based in Taipei, Taiwan, with professionals from Taiwan, & Europe giving them a unique perspective to tackle efficiency problems around the world.

As a startup, the company has to be careful with how they spend their money and their time. They also need to make sure to be as available to their customers as possible. Therefore, Atencio is happy to contract with Enspyre to answer calls and receive faxes.

Having Enspyre’s professional phone answering agents answering all calls, allows Atencio’s employees to spend their time concentrating in meetings and on tasks that move the company forward while all calls are promptly answered. For most calls, the Enspyre answering staff can give Atencio customers the basic information they ask for and pass on any requests or questions to the right manager.

While most of the world has moved away from faxes, some organizations are still used to them. Therefore it is convenient that Enspyre can receive Atencio’s faxes and forward them by email.




公司介紹A 顧問公司擁有超過 20 年輔導企業經驗,專門輔導 ISO 證照、系統整合稽核、和企業授課,透過豐富的實務輔導和專業經驗,提供客製化企業輔導方案,提升企業價值。產品及目標客戶主要提供課程培訓,包含: ISO 專業輔導、企業內訓課程、優化企業流程等內容。 服務的企業客戶遍布各上市櫃公司,包含船務、營造、化工、電子業等產業。顧問師資群由跨領域的專家組成,也是各專業領域的佼佼者,擁有超過 20 年以上相關實務經驗。既有挑戰及困境A 公司認為來電是企業很重要的第一印象,溝通品質必須專業且令人信賴。...