
Hidden words in speech of former Google CEO


What is the view of Taiwan’s former Google CEO Eric Smith’s public speech in Taiwan (Taipei) about Taiwan’s current situation and future development? It’s awkward, and everyone’s perception seems to be different.

Well-known media platform TechOrange’s reporter Jeremy Brand Yuan wrote “Wake Up, Taiwan: Google’s Eric Schmidt Just Slapped You in the Face.

The speech of former Google CEO Schmidt started like this: “I think Taiwan has the opportunity to enter a golden age of online entrepreneurship, and this is what I want to talk about today.” And when praising Taiwan’s Internet development, did Schmidt actually euphemistically say that Taiwan still has to space to improve.”

Google said that setting up a data center in Changhua, Taiwan, is of course a happy thing for Taiwan, but the problem is that the Taiwanese media believe that Google’s proposal to build a data center in Taiwan relates to Taiwan’s creative ability. The problem is that these reporter forgot to tell the readers that this data center is very ordinary, not special at all, and forgot to tell readers that Google has made the same investment in Hong Kong and Singapore in order to enter the mainland market.

Eric Smith said words that praised Taiwan, but did we really understand what he actually wants to express?


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