
Business Articles

A non-profit organization stabilizes donor revenues through “donor relationship management”

A non-profit organization stabilizes donor revenues through “donor relationship management”

It costs 4 to 7 times more to develop new donors than to get an old donor to donate again. Enspyre helped an animal shelter develop and execute a 2-step strategy for Donor Relationship Management (DRM) to find the most appropriate communication methods, frequencies and channels to establish long-term relationships with donors. Learn how Enspyre used its experience in assisting major IT companies with customer relationship management (CRM) to help PACK build repeat donations.

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Case Study: Keego Mobility

Case Study: Keego Mobility

Keego Mobility is a new brand of e-bikes founded in 2020. In the shockwaves of the 2020 Corona19 pandemic, e-bikes were flying off the shelves. People all over the world are fleeing public transportation and choosing cars, bicycles and, increasingly, e-bikes. Keego...

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What is B2B telemarketing, anyway?

What is B2B telemarketing, anyway?

This article will focus on the subject of business-to-business (B2B) telemarketing rather than general telemarketing. There are still many companies that have limited knowledge of B2B telemarketing, and don't quite know how to use the tool effectively. Strictly...

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Taiwan Business Surveys

When entering the Taiwan market, most B2B companies should start by doing a business market survey. Taiwan has about 1.3 Million companies of all sizes but not many companies would target all of them. For the sake of effective marketing it is important to narrow it...

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Make good use of government funds

Make good use of government funds 台灣創業風氣一年比年一年盛行,不少企業主管與年輕人為了一圓夢想,紛紛投入頭家行列。可是在僧多粥少的市場環境裡,有約50%的企業都在創業的第一年就慘遭淘汰。為求在激烈的競爭中脫穎而出,  中小企業除了靠本身的努力之外,更該學會活用資源,減輕資金、管理等方面的負擔。 由於中小企業佔...

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Sales person, your time is money!

Sales person, your time is money!

Sales person, your time is money! 身為公司的業務,在前線奮勇殺敵,為公司賺進大筆鈔票的同時,時間和案件的雙重壓力之下,你需要更清楚你的目標和方向,請仔細掌控好以下三大原則: 一、拉近顧客關係 營造專業形象:專業感在這個時代格外重要,若能適度營造形象,將有助於後續的發展推動, 而主動和客戶建立情感和透過專業秘書和顧客聯繫,都可以適度地獲取顧客的好感。另外別忘了佳節時刻的關心、平時閒暇時刻的用心以及危機處理的貼心,再加上多一點點的細心和驚奇,超乎顧客期待。 二、時間即是金錢...

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