
[eBoss] Enspyre’s CEO give suggestions about start-ups

eBoss magazine asks Enspyre President Elias Ek to give some advice to a budding entrepreneur.See the complete article below (Chinese only). 今年31歲的李先生,他想在北部都會區開一家服飾精品店,開店預算30萬元,希望店面租金範圍2萬元至2.5萬元,店址最好是位在大馬路邊,店面坪數約8坪,預期未來所銷售的主力商品單價630元,毛利約50%。 eBoss...

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[Cheers Magazine] Interviews Enspyre CEO

A customer service department is often the first interaction point a customer has with a company. However, the staff of the customer service department often has no power to make decisions which can be frustrating for the employees. One way forward is to outsource...

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[China Times Express] New Ideas For Ecommerce

China Times Express reports on new ideas for online auction companies, among them to work with a company liked Enspyre for answering customer calls. 上網拍賣不再只是網客族專利,愈來愈多的企業利用「拍賣網站」獲取商機。不過除了把有形物品拿來拍賣外,無形服務也有人在賣嘍,網路拍賣平台可以為台灣的企業或是SoHo族、企業經營者,成為另一個販賣服務或產品的好地方。...

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