
[ETtoday Life] 5 Key Points for Answering Calls

The economy is in a downturn, everyone is desperately rushing to grab customers. Sometimes, a phone call answered makes the difference between a company surviving or dying. Enspyre specializes in Phone Answering Services and says proper call answering has five key...

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[ETToday] Let The Angel of Enspyre Be Your Secretary!

ETToday reports on Enspyre's innovative services. Valentine's Day is the peak of Chinese people sending text messages and calling to express their love. But modern people are not only busy, many people suffer from "social phobia" because of the Internet. As a result,...

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[Business Today] Enspyre is Part of the Outsourcing Trend

Business Today reports on the outsourcing trend and Enspyre's Virtual Office/Customer Service for SMEs. 今周刊報導外包趨勢之一,由軟體設計到秘書都可外包安石國際商務即是典型的外包業者,企業主不用再請秘書,安石即為中小企業之虛擬辦公室! "今週刊報導委外趨勢,「別讓你的飯碗被搶走」報導委外、外包之現象和趨勢,外包趨勢席捲全球,台灣無法免除浪潮之外。根據今周刊調查,台灣企業運用外包大幅增長,預估未來三至五年,外包將更加普遍。...

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