客戶開發的成敗關鍵:用「顧客體驗 3 階段」提升品牌好感度 - Enspyre 安石國際

What is great service?

客戶開發的成敗關鍵:用「顧客體驗 3 階段」提升品牌好感度 - Enspyre 安石國際

To identify great service, let’s think about our purchase processes.

Do you remember the best service you have ever experienced in a store? Was it because the sales person who serviced you were particularly polite? Or that you were treated with a smile?

Did the person give you professional advice from beginning to end or just tell you that everything you tried looks good?

When you enter a store, what do you expect to see that makes you want to buy the service or product?

The first thing that comes to your attention might be the logo, a neat storefront and hopefully cordial and courteous greetings. Everyone needs to feel the energy and sincerity of each other through greetings and interactions. Those first impressions sets up the rest of the experience.

When I want a piece of clothing to be worn at a banquet, I might say straight out “I am looking for a dress that can be used for a banquet.” If it is a professional service person, he or she should now proactively ask a few questions. “Can I ask you a few questions first? What length do you need, what occasions you want to wear, a wedding banquet or a party to a friend…” They should use this information needs to help you find the right clothes.

If unfortunately they do not have any suitable clothing or style for you, a great service person would acknowledge, apologize and suggest what might still be suitable choices. If those choices does not catch your attention they might even suggest in what other store you could find what you are looking for. Karma and good will would pay them back over time.

A good product / good service is not afraid of your comparisons and scrutiny. The service staff should know, they should understand the competitors, and can clearly tell you about the pros and cons, he or she…, is working hard to do their homework, expecting to bring high quality to customers.

When we have found the right clothes and prepare to check out, the good service staff working for a good company will remind you of the precautions regarding any special care needs, return policy etc.

Often this is also the time when companies ask you to become a member of some loyalty club. Some customers love these kinds of programs, for others it is more of an invasion of privacy. For a company, the data is very valuable so it is worth asking, but be don’t push too hard and the company should offer some really great rewards for the information.

Even small details can be impressive:

1. A heartfelt conversation, a sincere smile, a cordial response

2. Know how to be proactive and understand the right place to ask questions. The intention is to “learn more about the needs of customers” and “provide products that are more suitable for customers.”

3. Give other added value or reminders

4. Unexpected service, giving customers more than they ask for

5. Treat your customers as friends, family members, sincerely

When we have enjoyed excellent service, we will be addicted and we can no longer stand the inferior service.

Next time, when you encounter a rare and excellent service, let them know. They deserve it, just you deserve to be treated that way.


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